I'm looking to pad IP addresses with 0's
example -> ->
Tried this:
[string]$paddedIP = $IPvariable
[string]$paddedIP.PadLeft(3, '0')
Also tried split as well, but I'm new to powershell...
You can use a combination of .Split()
and -join
(''.Split('.') |
ForEach-Object {$_.PadLeft(3,'0')}) -join '.'
With this approach, you are working with strings the entire time. Split('.')
creates an array element at every .
character. .PadLeft(3,'0')
ensures 3 characters with leading zeroes if necessary. -join '.'
combines the array into a single string with each element separated by a .
You can take a similar approach with the format operator -f
"{0:d3}.{1:d3}.{2:d3}.{3:d3}" -f (''.Split('.') |
Foreach-Object { [int]$_ } )
The :dN
format string enables N
(number of digits) padding with leading zeroes.
This approach creates a string array like in the first solution. Then each element is pipelined and converted to an [int]
. Lastly, the formatting is applied to each element.