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Get variable within function and assign it to another variable out of its scope

I am using Chartist and VueJS and I am trying to access data within my chart. When I click my chart, I should be able to get the information about the index of my click. I get this data, but I am having trouble passing that data to Vue itself.

Here is my current code:

  data() {
    return {
      monthIndex: 0,
      chartData: {
        labels: [],
        series: [[], []]

      /* other chart options that I omitted */

      chartEventHandlers: [
          event: "draw",
          fn(data) {
            if (data.type === "bar") {
                y2: {
                  begin: data.index * 40,
                  dur: "0.3s",
                  from: data.y1,
                  to: data.y2,
                  easing: "easeOutQuad"
                opacity: {
                  begin: data.index * 40,
                  dur: "0.3",
                  from: 0,
                  to: 1,
                  easing: "easeOutQuad"

              data.element._node.onclick = evt => {
               // How do I assign this to monthIndex??


As you can see here:

data.element._node.onclick = evt => {

I can get it to display the correct value in the console, I just am trying to figure out a way to make

monthIndex = data.axisX.ticks[data.index]

However, monthIndex does not exist in the scope of the function, so I can't simply assign it to that variable. How do I go about doing this? I am trying to get monthIndex to show up on the html View so that it changes everytime I click on another part of the chart.


  • What @Chris Li is saying is that you can bind the Vue scope to a function by doing this:

    function(data) {

    Which allows you to access the Vue scope, or this inside of the function so to be able to assign the index value to the appropriate variable.