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Import an external library into a ROS node

It is my first time using stack overflow so I am a bit new with this. I've been working on a personal robotics project and I have downloaded a GitHub directory. I've already compiled it, tested it (it works) and I've generated the library.a file (because I'm working with Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic). What I do not know is what I have to add to my CMakeLists.txt file in order to load the communication functions on a ROS node cpp file.

My actual description for compilation on the CMakeLists.txt file is the following one:

add_executable(test_node src/test_node.cpp)
add_dependencies(test_node ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})
target_link_libraries(test_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

I know that I have to add the library on the target_link_libraries if the library was an *.sofile, but it isn't. What should I add to my CMakeLists.txt file in order to load my library functions into my ROS node?


  • Your answer is based in a property on function add_library()

    See this example block:

    add_library(library_name STATIC IMPORTED)
    set_target_properties(library_name PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION path/to/your/lib.a)

    With this you can proceed to add this library with:

    target_link_libraries(your_target library_name)

    But don't forget to add this static library include files to your target.

    The problem is solved with the following code:

    add_library(github_library STATIC IMPORTED GLOBAL)
    set_target_properties(my_library PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION 
    target_link_libraries(my_cpp_ros_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES} my_library ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})