Data I am working with is below:
Name RefSecondary RefMain
test 2 3
bet 3 4
get 1 2
set null 1
net 3 5
I have done a very simple query which looks up the presence of values in dataframe and build hierarchy
sys_role = 'sample.xlsx'
df = pd.read_excel(sys_role,na_filter = False).apply(lambda x: x.astype(str).str.strip())
for i in range(count):
for j in range(count):
if df.iloc[i]['RefMain'] == df.iloc[j]['RefSecondary']:
df.iloc[j, df.columns.get_loc('Name')] = "/".join([df.iloc[i]['Name'],df.iloc[j]['Name']])
j = j+1
i = i+1
The results I am getting is below:
Result RefMain
0 get/test 3
1 test/bet 4
2 set/get 2
3 set 1
4 test/net 5
This is really slow and the logic doesn't work perfectly as well. Is there a way I can get this done faster?
Logic needs to be as below:
1)Take a value from column RefMain,and find its correspoding RefSecondary value. 2)Look up the RefSecondary value in RefMain, 3)If found Back to Step 1 and repeat. 4)This continues recursively till no value/null is found in RefSecondary column.
Resultant dataframe should look like below:
Result RefMain
0 set/get/test 3
1 set/get/test/bet 4
2 set/get 2
3 set 1
4 set/get/test/net 5
This sounds like a graph problem. You can try networkx
as follows:
df = df.fillna(-1)
# create a graph
G = nx.DiGraph()
# add reference as edges
G.add_edges_from(zip(df['RefMain'],df['RefSecondary'] ))
# rename the nodes accordingly
G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping=df.set_index('RefMain')['Name'].to_dict())
# merge the path list to the dataframe
df = df.merge(pd.DataFrame(nx.shortest_path(G)).T['null'],
# new column:
df['Path'] = df['null'].apply(lambda x: '/'.join(x[-2::-1]) )
Name RefSecondary RefMain null Path
0 test 2 3 [test, get, set, null] set/get/test
1 bet 3 4 [bet, test, get, set, null] set/get/test/bet
2 get 1 2 [get, set, null] set/get
3 set null 1 [set, null] set
4 net 3 5 [net, test, get, set, null] set/get/test/net