I have the following simple JPA entity:
@Table( name = myentity_table )
public class MyEntity {
private double a;
private double b;
a and b may be set to Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
. When I try to store entity with double set to +INF into database (MySQL) using standard entity manager I get exception:
java.sql.SQLException: 'Infinity' is not a valid numeric or approximate numeric value
As far as I know MySQL may not support NaN/-INF/+INF numbers. Is there any way to store this entity without writing HQL queries and translating +INF into null (or max double) ? Ideally, I'd like to do it via entity manager as usual.
Thanks in advance.
Entity life-cycle callback methods @PrePersist, @PreUpdate can be used here to verify the field value NAN/-INF/+INF etc & then setting the default value accordingly.
private void resetField() {
if(field == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
field = somePredefinedValue;