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Different query after nhibernate 5 (using oracle)

After upgrading from 4.1 to 5.2, nhibernate is creating a query a little different, putting an "OR" where it is not welcome.


(select cast(count(guia5_.ID) as NUMBER(10, 0))
  from SAM_GUIA guia5_

 where guia5_.PEGID = peg1_.ID                        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

) as col_41_0_,


(select cast(count(guia5_.ID) as NUMBER(10, 0))
   from SAM_GUIA guia5_

  where guia5_.PEGID = peg1_.ID                        <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
     or (guia5_.PEGID is null)                         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    and (peg1_.ID is null)                             <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

) as col_41_0_,  

The linq query related is:

RecordCount = (from c in repositoryGuia.All()
           where c.PegId == b.Id
           select c.Id

More information about mapping:

  • c.PegId: int?
  • b.Id: int

Using NHibernate 5.2.6 and Fluent 2.1.2.

Why version 5 is translating to a different SQL statement?


  • It's a known 5.x issue GH-1860. Details when and why behavior is changed explained here. AFAIK there is no workaround for LINQ so you have to use hql/QueryOver if it's a showstopper for you.

    But there is an open pull request here that should fix this behavior. So maybe in 5.3 it will be fixed.