I have a very simple code:
celery = Celery(broker="amqp://guest:guest@")
exchange="I_am_useless", # with exchange=Exchange("I_am_useless") I got the same results
I really need the task to be sent to the exchange "I_am_useless", however it is not sent there, when I debug at the AMQP protocol level I see that a publish event is sent (which is ok) but with the following characteristic
reserved-1': 0,
'exchange-name': '',
'routing-key': 'celery',
'mandatory': False,
'immediate': False
so it seems the parameter is totally ignored, as even during the exchange declaration event, the name "celery" is used.
but according to the documentation send_task
takes the same parameters as https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/reference/celery.app.task.html#celery.app.task.Task.apply_async , and we can see there's a "exchange" parameter that should accept a string.
however if I call kombu directly
rabbit_url = "amqp://guest:guest@"
conn = Connection(rabbit_url)
channel = conn.channel()
exchange = Exchange("example-exchange", type="direct")
producer = Producer(exchange=exchange, channel=channel, routing_key="BOB")
queue = Queue(name="example-queue", exchange=exchange, routing_key="BOB")
producer.publish("Hello there!")
I correctly see the exchange name, so I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong ?
After looking into the code and a bit of experimenting, it seems that you need to also specify exchange_type
and routing_key
arguments when calling send_task