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How to pass userid in interceptor Angular 8


I have an Angular 8 application and I have an HttpMaintenanceInterceptor and I am not using cookies for it. but a:

getAccessToken method in the authService, like this:

  getAccessToken(): string {
    return this._user ? this._user.access_token : null;

and I have a get method. A get method looks like this:

getDossierEntry(type: String = '' ): Observable<DossierEntry[]> {
  const entryType = type === '' ? 'all' : 'type/' + type;
  return this.http.get<DossierEntry[]>('/api/patient/${patientUUID}/DossierEntry/' + entryType);

But the problem now is that the the propertie:


is always null. OR this is the output of it:


So I try to sent the patientUUID in the HttpMaintenanceInterceptor.

The HttpMaintenanceInterceptor looks like this:

export class HttpMaintenanceInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
  needsAuthenticatedUser = true;
  route: string;

  constructor(private auth: AuthService) {}

  intercept(request: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
    const accessToken = this.auth.getAccessToken();

    if (accessToken != null) {      
      const duplicate = request.clone({
        setHeaders: { Authorization: `Bearer  ${accessToken}` }


      const user$ = this.auth.loginStatus()
      .pipe( take( 1 ) );

         map( user => {
          console.log('hello there nice to see you!!');
          let parsedRoute = this.route;
          if ( this.needsAuthenticatedUser ) {
            if ( !user ) {
              throw Error( 'Tried to call api that requires login without a user profile present' );
            } else {
              parsedRoute = parsedRoute.replace('{userId}', user.profile.sub);
           //   console.log('User Sub ' + user.profile.sub);
              console.log('User participant ' + user.profile.participant);

              parsedRoute = parsedRoute.replace('{patientUUID}', user.profile.participant);
          return environment.ApiOrigin + parsedRoute;
        } ),

      return next.handle(duplicate);
    } else {     
      return next.handle(request);

But I dont get the patientUUID.

But I get the accessToken: console.log(accessToken); looks like this:


So my question is how to pass the patientUUID? so that in the api requests the patientUUID will not be null anymore.

Thank you

oke, I changed to this:

getDossierEntry(type: String = '' ): Observable<DossierEntry[]> {
  const entryType = type === '' ? 'all' : 'type/' + type;
  return this.http.get<DossierEntry[]>(`/api/patient/{patientUUID}/DossierEntry/` + entryType);

but that is not the problem I think.

Because the problem is this:

console.log('hello there nice to see you!!');

It doesn't reach that line.


  • Backquote should be used instead of simple quote


    should rather be


    The same thing holds when using parsedRoute.replace

    const user$ = this.auth.loginStatus()
          .pipe( take( 1 ) );    
             map( user => {
              console.log('hello there nice to see you!!');
              let parsedRoute = this.route;
              if ( this.needsAuthenticatedUser ) {
                if ( !user ) {
                  throw Error( 'Tried to call api that requires login without a user profile present' );
                } else {
                  parsedRoute = parsedRoute.replace('{userId}', user.profile.sub);
               //   console.log('User Sub ' + user.profile.sub);
                  console.log('User participant ' + user.profile.participant);
                  parsedRoute = parsedRoute.replace('{patientUUID}', user.profile.participant);
              return environment.ApiOrigin + parsedRoute;
            } ),

    This part of the code will never be executed because you're not subscribing to the observable. That is why the value of console.log is never printed to the console