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ValidationError: "tenantId" is not allowed when using AzureAD for hapi JS route authorization

We are trying to use @hapi/bell on our back-end routes to provide authorization. The authentication strategy uses azure as provider and the scheme is bell

This is how I register the strategy. The clientId, clientSecret, tenantId and password are hidden for obvious reasons

server.auth.strategy('azureAD', 'bell', { provider: 'azure', clientId: '...', clientSecret: '...', tenantId: '...', password: '...', providerParams: { response_type: 'code' }, scope: ['openid', 'offline_access', 'profile', 'User.Read'] })

When I run the server, I get the following error:

{ [ValidationError: "tenantId" is not allowed] ...

Now, looking into the azure portal, we definitely want to be supporting accounts only inside the organisation i.e. single-tenant.

If I remove the tenantId option and restart the server I get CORS error which essentially says that our app is not configured as a multi-tenant application and we need to use a tenant-specific endpoint or configure the application to be multi-tenant. Adding the tenantId, however, says that it is not allowed.

Any guidance as to why this is happening will be highly appreciated.


  • I found out that instead of registering the strategy as I have shown in the question the following could be done:

    const custom ={ tenant: '...' })
    server.auth.strategy('azureAD', 'bell', {
      provider: custom,
      clientId: '...',
      clientSecret: '...',
      password: '...',
      isSecure: false, // look into this, not a good idea but required if not using HTTPS
      providerParams: {
        response_type: 'code'
      scope: ['openid', 'offline_access', 'profile', 'User.Read']

    This gets rid of the "tenantId" is not allowed error, however, we now get a different error stating Authentication failed due to: Missing custom request token cookie.

    Bell suggests that a common solution is to combine bell with the hapi-auth-cookie authentication scheme plugin, so now this is something to look into.