I would like to send an HTTP PATCH request via Spring RestTemplate containing an array of operations represented by following object:
public class JsonOperation {
private String op;
private String path;
private String value;
considering following code:
List<JsonOperation> operations = new ArrayList<>();
operations.add(new JsonOperation("replace", "/path1", "value1"));
operations.add(new JsonOperation("replace", "/path2", "value2"));
operations.add(new JsonOperation("replace", "/path3", "value3"));
is it possible to do the reqeust using restTemplate as follows?
restTemplate.patchForObject(url+"/toPatch/"+toPatchId, operations, ResponseEntity.class);
Because of a Bug the default RestTemplate of Spring does not send Http Patch requests.
As work around the org.springframework.http.client.HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory
can be used to overrride the RestTemplate:
public RestTemplate httpComponentsClientRestTemplate() {
final HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory();
return new RestTemplate(requestFactory);