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Symfony delete ManyToMany related object when one part is empty?

I'm trying to delete unused tags. Although the relationship between Post and Tag has been deleted, the post-linked tag is not deleted.

"orphanRemoval" does not work because it has deleted all. cascade "remove" does not delete.

Post Entity:

class Post implements \JsonSerializable
    * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\Cms\PostTag", inversedBy="posts", cascade={"persist", "remove"})
    * @ORM\JoinTable(name="post_tag_taxonomy")
    * @Assert\Count(max="5")
    private $tags;

Tag Entity:

class PostTag {
     * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\Cms\Post", mappedBy="tags")
     private $posts;

Here's a similar example, but for Java. How to delete an ManyToMany related object when one part is empty?


  • I suggest you use preUpdate event from Doctrine life cycle callbacks. On the event of update a Post, you tell doctrine to check if there's a Tag change (in this case it's to NULL), if yes then query the Tag check if any posts still use it.

    In short, you need to :

    Add @ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks before your class to enable life cycles.

    Add preUpdate function in Post class :

         * @ORM\PreUpdate
         * @param PreUpdateEventArgs $event
        public function clearChangeSet(PreUpdateEventArgs $event)
            if ($event->hasChangedField('field_you_want_to_check') 
            ) {
                $em = $event->getEntityManager();
                // Now use the entityManager to query the tag and check.

    By doing this doctrine will do the check for you, in the logic code you just need to perform the unlinking, no need to care about delete tags there.

    Update : as pointed out, for associations in entity you cannot get the changes by $event->hasChangedField, use the method in Symfony 3 / Doctrine - Get changes to associations in entity change set