I'm trying to create subtotals for sales in different zip codes, since the invoice do not have zip codes I need to get it from the customer table.
Here is my sql that will show all the transactions:
select c.name, c.zip, i.total, i.salestax from customer c, invoice i
where i.sdate >= '2019-09-01' and i.sdate <= '2019-09-30' and
order by c.zip
I tried to add SUM to total and salestax, but if I do that I get an SQL error.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, KHJ
Here's your query, you can use sum() and group-by
to get your result
select c.name, c.zip, sum(i.total) as total, sum(i.salestax) as tax
from invoice i
inner join customer c on c.accountnum=i.customernr
group by c.zip, c.name
where i.sdate >= '2019-09-01' and i.sdate <= '2019-09-30'
order by c.zip