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Update a textView text when an object is added to an array without overriding the previous object's textView text

I'm trying to update a textview whenever an object is added to an array and show that text in the textview like this:

"object 1"
"object 2"

the issue is that every time a new object is added to the array it overwrites the object before it so it will just show:

  "object 2"

Here is the code I'm using, I'm not completely sure how to append the text so it shows all items in the array once a new item is added instead of just displaying the last item added.

   struct ObjectData {
   let name: String
   let type: String
   let code: Int

    var updatedObjectArray = [ObjectData]() { didSet {
                self.updateObjectData(object: self.updatedObjectArray)

       func updateObjectData(object: [ObjectData]) {

                for objectData in object {
                      self.ObjectTextView.text =


  • In your for-loop, you are setting the text to a new value on every iteration, thus removing your last iteration's changes. You can append your names to a new string, then set the text at the end of the for-loop like this:

    func updateObjectData(object: [ObjectData]) {
        var objectStrings = ""
        for objectData in object {
            objectStrings += + "\n"
        self.ObjectTextView.text = objectStrings

    Or a swiftier way without the ending newline by mapping ObjectData to its name and joining with a newline:

    func updateObjectData(object: [ObjectData]) {
        self.ObjectTextView.text ={$}).joined(separator: "\n")