I'm trying to import a large data file in JSON format . I'm using
mongoimport --db verbs --collection de --file "/Users/marcelbraasch/Downloads/de.json"
to import the data. This is going through, however, I'm getting the following exception:
Failed: (Unauthorized) not authorized on verbs to execute command { insert: "de", ordered: false, writeConcern: { w: "majority" }, $db: "verbs" }
I already tried combinations like this
mongoimport -h localhost:27017 -u 'user' -p 'password' --db verbs --collection de --file "/Users/myname/Downloads/de.json"
but none of it worked. My mongo instance is running in a docker container, if this information matters. What do I need to do?
Found the answer here. This missing keyword was authenticationDatabase
. The command that worked for me was:
mongoimport --db verbs --collection de --authenticationDatabase admin --username user --password password --drop --file /Users/myname/Downloads/de.json