Thank you, everyone, for helping me! I am just stuck I don't know if this was the issue with Salesforce or
I am doing something wrong!!!
Here is the scenario I have enabled inline editing on the card and when the user changes the value of the Quantity, the component call the JS Controller function
It didn't get the List which I have passed as a Parameter its Nothing output is attached below,
Interesting Fact
But I called the same function from somewhere else like make a checkbox and on the change called the same, I get the list of Array passed as Parameter
I didn't get the List when I called it from the other than that I get all the values using component.get()
Aura Component Attributes
<aura:attribute name="item" type="Object" required="true"></aura:attribute>
<aura:attribute name="title" type="String" required="true"></aura:attribute>
<aura:attribute name="bid" type="Object[]" required="true"></aura:attribute>
<aura:attribute name="box1" type="Boolean" default="false" />
<aura:attribute name="categoriesSum" type="Object" required="true"></aura:attribute>
<aura:attribute name="quantityEditMode" type="boolean" default="false"></aura:attribute>
Component Code Calling with InputNumber Not working
<ui:inputNumber class="slds-input " labelClass="slds-form-
element__label slds-form-element__label_edit slds-no-flex"
change ="{!c.onQuantityChange}"
required="true" value="
{!v.item.Quantity__c}" />
Component Code Calling with CheckBox Working
<ui:inputCheckbox aura:id="checkbox1" value="v2" change="{!c.onQuantityChange}"/>
JS Controller
onQuantityChange : function(component, event, helper){
console.log('----title---'+ component.get('v.title'));
console.log('----Bid---'+ component.get(''));
console.log('----Box---'+ component.get('v.box1'));
console.log('----quantityEditMode---'+ component.get('v.quantityEditMode'));
if you need more explanation please let me know I m stuck here for almost 7 hours and yes I have also tried the helper class it's the same scenario
You cannot directly change the value of a field on the object using
Instead try saving it in an attribute like v2 (you have done that on the checkbox)
The change from the ui:inputNumber will then make it to the controller.
Basically this:
<aura:attribute name="v2" type="Integer"/>
<ui:inputNumber class="slds-input " labelClass="slds-form-
element__label slds-form-element__label_edit slds-no-flex"
change ="{!c.onQuantityChange}"
required="true" value="
{!v.v2}" />
Hope this helps.