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Cloud Tasks client ignores retry configuration

Basically what the title says. The API and client docs state that a retry can be passed to create_task:

        retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]):  A retry object used
            to retry requests. If ``None`` is specified, requests will
            be retried using a default configuration.

But this simply doesn't work. Passing a Retry instance does nothing and the queue-level settings are still used. For example:

from google.api_core.retry import Retry
from import CloudTasksClient

client = CloudTasksClient()
retry = Retry(predicate=lambda _: False)
client.create_task('/foo', retry=retry)

This should create a task that is not retry. I've tried all sorts of different configurations and every time it just uses whatever settings are set on the queue.


  • Google Cloud Support has confirmed that task-level retries are not currently supported. The documentation for this client library is incorrect. A feature request exists here