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How can I make numerous calls to my stored procedure using the values of column?

I have developed a stored procedure in SQL to verify if a 13 digit national ID number is valid or not. At the moment the procedure works fine but I can only verify 1 number at a time. Procedure returns 1 if valid and 0 if not. Is the a way I can automate this so that I can check a lot of ID numbers rather than doing it manually.

The stored procedure I have written is shown below.

    @idNumber VARCHAR(13),      -- ID number to be checked 
    @isValid INT OUTPUT         -- Will return 0 if ID number is not valid and 1 otherwise

    DECLARE @digit1 int,                    --holds the 1st digit
            @digit2 int,                    --holds the 2nd digit 
            @digit3 int,                    --holds the 3rd digit
            @digit4 int,                    --holds the 4th digit
            @digit5 int,                    --holds the 5th digit
            @digit6 int,                    --holds the 6th digit
            @digit7 int,                    --holds the 7th digit
            @digit8 int,                    --holds the 8th digit
            @digit9 int,                    --holds the 9th digit
            @digit10 int,                   --holds the 10th digit
            @digit11 int,                   --holds the 11th digit
            @digit12 int,                   --holds the 12th digit
            @digit13 int                    --holds the 13th digit

    SET @digit1 = substring(@idNumber, 1 , 1) --Extract all the digits
    SET @digit2 = substring(@idNumber, 2 , 1)
    SET @digit3 = substring(@idNumber, 3 , 1)
    SET @digit4 = substring(@idNumber, 4 , 1)
    SET @digit5 = substring(@idNumber, 5 , 1)
    SET @digit6 = substring(@idNumber, 6 , 1)
    SET @digit7 = substring(@idNumber, 7 , 1)
    SET @digit8 = substring(@idNumber, 8 , 1)
    SET @digit9 = substring(@idNumber, 9 , 1)
    SET @digit10 = substring(@idNumber, 10 , 1)
    SET @digit11 = substring(@idNumber, 11 , 1)
    SET @digit12 = substring(@idNumber, 12 , 1)
    SET @digit13 = substring(@idNumber, 13 , 1)

    --Multiple every second digit from the right most by 2
    --If the result is greater than 10 the new digit is the sum of the two digits 

    --Digit 12
    SET @digit12 = @digit12 * 2

    IF @digit12 > 9 
        SET @digit12 = @digit12 - 9

    --Digit 10
    SET @digit10 = @digit10 * 2

    IF @digit10 > 9 
        SET @digit10 = @digit10 - 9

    --Digit 8
    SET @digit8 = @digit8 * 2

    IF @digit8 > 9
        SET @digit8 = @digit8 - 9

    --Digit 6
    SET @digit6 = @digit6 * 2

    IF @digit6 > 9 
        SET @digit6 = @digit6 - 9

    --Digit 4
    SET @digit4 = @digit4* 2

    IF @digit4 > 9 
        SET @digit4 = @digit4 - 9

    --Digit 2
    SET @digit2 = @digit2 * 2

    IF @digit2 > 9 
        SET @digit2 = @digit2 - 9

    DECLARE @sum as int                 --Will hold the sum of all the digits
    DECLARE @result as int              --Will hold the result of modulo 10   division

    --Add all the new digits
    -- If the modulo 10 of the sum is zero then the ID number is valid
    SET @sum = @digit1 + @digit2 + @digit3 +  @digit4 + 
               @digit5 + @digit6 + @digit7 + @digit8 + 
           @digit9 + 
           @digit10 +
           @digit11 + 
           @digit12 + 
SET @result = @sum % 10 

if @result = 0
SET @isValid = 1                    --Valid ID number
SET @isValid = 0                    --Invalid ID number

--I am calling the proceedure as follows with an example id number:
DECLARE @check as INT
EXEC verifyRSAIDs 
@idNumber = '0002131000008', 
@isValid = @check OUTPUT
SELECT @check AS 'ID Valid'

--I want to run the procedure on the following ID numbers:


  • Just make that a Scalar-Valued Function, instead of a Stored Procedure. EG:\

    CREATE or ALTER Function [dbo].[IsValueRSAIDs]( @idNumber VARCHAR (13) )               --ID number to be checked 
    returns  INT  --Will return 0 if ID number is not valid and 1 otherwise
        DECLARE @isValid int = 0;
        if (ISNUMERIC(@idNumber) <> 1 or DATALENGTH(@idNumber) <> 13 )
          return 0;
        DECLARE @digit1 int,                    --holds the 1st digit
                @digit2 int,                    --holds the 2nd digit 
                @digit3 int,                    --holds the 3rd digit
                @digit4 int,                    --holds the 4th digit
                @digit5 int,                    --holds the 5th digit
                @digit6 int,                    --holds the 6th digit
                @digit7 int,                    --holds the 7th digit
                @digit8 int,                    --holds the 8th digit
                @digit9 int,                    --holds the 9th digit
                @digit10 int,                   --holds the 10th digit
                @digit11 int,                   --holds the 11th digit
                @digit12 int,                   --holds the 12th digit
                @digit13 int                    --holds the 13th digit
        SET @digit1 = substring(@idNumber, 1 , 1) --Extract all the digits
        SET @digit2 = substring(@idNumber, 2 , 1)
        SET @digit3 = substring(@idNumber, 3 , 1)
        SET @digit4 = substring(@idNumber, 4 , 1)
        SET @digit5 = substring(@idNumber, 5 , 1)
        SET @digit6 = substring(@idNumber, 6 , 1)
        SET @digit7 = substring(@idNumber, 7 , 1)
        SET @digit8 = substring(@idNumber, 8 , 1)
        SET @digit9 = substring(@idNumber, 9 , 1)
        SET @digit10 = substring(@idNumber, 10 , 1)
        SET @digit11 = substring(@idNumber, 11 , 1)
        SET @digit12 = substring(@idNumber, 12 , 1)
        SET @digit13 = substring(@idNumber, 13 , 1)
        --Multiple every second digit from the right most by 2
        --If the result is greater than 10 the new digit is the sum of the two digits 
        --Digit 12
        SET @digit12 = @digit12 * 2
        if @digit12 > 9 
            SET @digit12 = @digit12 - 9
        --Digit 10
        SET @digit10 = @digit10 * 2
        if @digit10 > 9 
            SET @digit10 = @digit10 - 9
        --Digit 8
        SET @digit8 = @digit8 * 2
        if @digit8 > 9
            SET @digit8 = @digit8 - 9
        --Digit 6
        SET @digit6 = @digit6 * 2
        if @digit6 > 9 
            SET @digit6 = @digit6 - 9
        --Digit 4
        SET @digit4 = @digit4* 2
        if @digit4 > 9 
            SET @digit4 = @digit4 - 9
        --Digit 2
        SET @digit2 = @digit2 * 2
        if @digit2 > 9 
            SET @digit2 = @digit2 - 9
        DECLARE @sum as int                 --Will hold the sum of all the digits
        DECLARE @result as int              --Will hold the result of modulo 10 division
        --Add all the new digits
        -- If the modulo 10 of the sum is zero then the ID number is valid
        SET @sum = @digit1 + 
                   @digit2 +
                   @digit3 + 
                   @digit4 + 
                   @digit5 + 
                   @digit6 + 
                   @digit7 + 
                   @digit8 + 
                   @digit9 + 
                   @digit10 +
                   @digit11 + 
                   @digit12 + 
        SET @result = @sum % 10 
        if @result = 0
            SET @isValid = 1                    --Valid ID number
            SET @isValid = 0                    --Invalid ID number
        return @isValid;
    select val, dbo.IsValueRSAIDs(val)
    from (values 
    ('7107056000009'),('7103175000004') ) v(val);