I am looking for convert a webpage to a PDF. I searched this like "take screenshot of all webpage". In everywhere, everybody refers python "selenium" module. But didn't find anything about "all page". Don't want to a single screenshot. My whis is like PDF format.
Already tried to imgkit. Is there any option?
I found the answer. First module's name is "Selenium-Screenshot".It takes screenshots and compare them in 1 image. For more detailed discussion: Taking a whole page screenshot with Selenium Marionette in Python
from Screenshot import Screenshot_Clipping
from selenium import webdriver
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() #created for headless chrome
options.add_argument('window-size=1920x1080') #change resolution of screenshots
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options)
url = "your_url"
img_url=ob.full_Screenshot(driver, save_path=r'.', image_name='Myimage.png')