class ParentClass<T>
var success : ((T)->Void)?
extension ParentClass
func success<T>(success: ((T) -> Void)?) -> ParentClass where T : Codable
self.success = success
return self
here I just tried to assign the parameter value to parent class variable but it throw this error
Cannot assign value of type '((T) -> Void)?' to type '((T) -> Void)?'
Also when I go for suggestion prompt, again again it gives me the same error.
Because the Generic type you used in the class (and for the variable) definition is NOT same with the Generic you defined in the function signature. You should make sure both are same:
class ParentClass<T> {
var success : ((T)->Void)?
extension ParentClass {
func success(success: ((T) -> Void)?) -> ParentClass {
self.success = success
return self
And if you want it to be codable:
class ParentClass<T: Codable> { ,,, }
Or in the extension:
extension ParentClass where T: Codable { ,,, }