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Change cell value on button click to column value based on a criteria

I would like to change the value in cell G2 by clicking on a button (D3). The (A-column) values that are being looped through should meet the criteria "yes" in the column B.



  • The OP's goal is to loop through the list of names stopping on each name with a value of "yes".

    Obviously this requires skipping over the names with a value of "no". And there is a special challenge when dealing with the last name in the list AND that name having a "select" value of "no". In that case, the loop should "restart" at the top of the list.

    The following code address each of these contingencies.

    Using the sample data shown below; the code should stop on Paul, Dave, Brett and Ted.
    If the value in Cell G2 is "Ted", then the next selected name should be Paul.

    Sample data screenshot Sample data screenshot

    function so5794149403() {
      var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
      var sh=ss.getSheetByName('57941494');
      var rg=sh.getRange(2,1,sh.getLastRow()-1,2);
      var vA=rg.getValues();
      var vAnum = vA.length;
      var names = sh.getRange(2,1,sh.getLastRow()-1,1).getValues();
      //flatten the array
      var users = (row) { return row[0]; }); 
      // set some variables
      var i=0;
      var failedNTLN = 0; // fail but Not The Last Name
      var modifiedTLN = 0;// fail but The Last Name
      //Loop through names
      for (i;i<names.length;i++){
        //Logger.log("DEBUG:0:i = "+i+" and failedNTLN = "+failedNTLN+" and modifiedTLN = "+modifiedTLN);
        if (failedNTLN ==99){
          // if last name was a failure AND it was not the Last name, then do nothing
        else {
          // get the name in Cell G2
          var g2=sh.getRange("G2").getValue();
          // Logger.log("DEBUG:1 currently selected name = "+g2);
          // get the position of G2 in the list of names
          var Pos = users.indexOf(g2);
          // Logger.log("DEBUG:1 position = "+Pos);
          if (modifiedTLN == 99){ 
            // if last name was a failure AND it was The Last Name
            Logger.log("DEBUG:1: modifiedTLN is "+modifiedTLN+", and i = "+i);
            // test if this is the last name in the list
            if (Pos+1 == names.length){
              // this is the last name
              failedNTLN = 0;
              modifiedTLN = 0;
              Logger.log("DEBUG:1: Pos is last position. i = "+i)
              // this is not the last name
              i = Pos+1;
              // Logger.log("DEBUG:1: Pos is NOT the last position. set i = "+i)
        // Logger.log("DEBUG:1: settings are: i="+i+", next status = "+vA[i][1].toString().toLowerCase()+", next name = "+vA[i][0]+", g2 = "+g2);
        // logic statement if status = yes, and name isn't = G2
        if(vA[i][1].toString().toLowerCase()=='yes' && vA[i][0]!=g2) {
          // Logger.log("DEBUG:2: IF - outcome success: i="+i+", status = "+vA[i][1].toString().toLowerCase()+", name = "+vA[i][0]+" does not equal "+g2);
          // Logger.log("DEBUG:2: setting G2 to "+vA[i][0]+", i = "+i+" and break") 
        else if (users.indexOf(vA[i][0]) == (names.length-1)){
          // the next name is the last name
          // Logger.log("DEBUG:3: the next name is the last name");
          modifiedTLN = 99;
          // Logger.log("DEBUG:3: position = "+users.indexOf(vA[i][0]))
          // Logger.log("DEBUG:3: the next name: "+users.indexOf(vA[i][0])+" is the last name;  i = "+i+"; set modifiedTLN to "+modifiedTLN+"; set failedNTLN to "+failedNTLN);
          // the next name is NOT the last name
           failedNTLN = 99;
           modifiedTLN = 0;
           //Logger.log("DEBUG:4: the next name: "+users.indexOf(vA[i][0])+" is NOT the last name;  i = "+i+"; set failedNTLN to "+failedNTLN+"; set modifiedTLN to "+modifiedTLN);