Consider this source code that implements a parser for a term language in Scala. The main function, designed to test its functionality is defined asÑ
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val stdin = new
val tokens = new lexical.Scanner(stdin.readLine())
phrase(term)(tokens) match {
case Success(trees, _) =>
for (t <- path(trees))
try {
print("Big step: ")
} catch {
case TermIsStuck(t) => println("Stuck term: " + t)
case e =>
However, I want to test part of the functionality by calling the term
parser on concrete input. How can I provide this input? Passing a string does not work...
Just replace stdin.readLine()
with your desired input, so
phrase(term)(new lexical.Scanner("the string you want to test")) match {
case Success(trees, _) => ...
case err => ...