I've built a Facebook app using Sinatra and the Rest-Graph gem. Now I would like to embed the app as an iframe tab in a Facebook Page.
To do that, I need to fetch data from the signed_request
sent to my app by Facebook.
The Rest-Graph gem states the following feature on its Github page:
Utility to extract access_token and check sig in cookies/signed_request
I couldn't find any documentation on how to use this "utility". Can you point me to some documentation or even better, give me an example on how this is used with Ruby/Sinatra?
Nearly all of the Graph API libraries that are available deal with signed_request in a similar way. Rest-Graph has a parse_signed_request method (Rest-Graph/lib/core.rb) that you can call in Sinatra.
I'm using Koala for this with Sinatra, and it works as advertised:
oauth = Koala::Facebook::OAuth.new(APP_ID, APP_CODE)
signed_request = oauth.parse_signed_request(params["signed_request"])
You get back a hash of the JSON object that Facebook posts:
rest-graph makes it pretty easy, too. Just tested this in a Sinatra app. Works perfectly:
rg = RestGraph.new( :app_id => APP_ID, :secret => APP_SECRET)
parsed_request = rg.parse_signed_request!(params["signed_request"])
Lemme know if that doesn't work for you.