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Using Saxon/C with Perl

The Saxon website says Saxon/C can be invoked from Perl, but I can't find any examples. The only thing I've found that interfaces to Saxon is one old Perl module (XML::Saxon::XSLT2) which uses Inline::Java and apparently is very slow. But I can find nothing that uses Saxon/C. Has anyone had any success in doing this who can share some tips?


  • we have not yet officially done the integration work needed to extend Saxon/C on perl it is still on our todo list. Therefore we currently don't support it. I don't know of anyone who has done this work as yet but I know it is can be done.

    On the Saxon website we state that it is possible to create extensions in languages like Perl since Saxon/C has a C/C++ interface. Currently, we only have extensions for PHP and Python (available in the next release).

    As a workaround you could run the transform command from Saxon/C using the exec function in Perl instead of the Java version, therefore avoiding the need to run Java VM.