I want to build query like through pypher
set entity.birth_date = coalesce(VALUE + entity.birth_date, entity.birth_date , [] + VALUE)
VALUE is string like '38'
What I've tried is:
from pypher import Pypher, __
p = Pypher()
p.Merge.node('ent', **node_gr)
p.SET(__.ent.__birth_place__ == __.COALESCE(__.ent.__birth_place__+
it throws below error:
python3.6/site-packages/pypher/builder.py in bind_param(self, value, name)
196 name = k
197 break
--> 198 elif bind and value in self._bound_params.keys():
199 for k, v in self._bound_params.items():
200 if k == value:
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
I've also tried converting [VALUE] to string but then updated value is in incorrect as string
Pypher provides the __.List function to construct a list from a value. For example, the following:
p.SET(__.ent.__birth_place__ == __.COALESCE(__.ent.__birth_place__ + VALUE,__.ent.__birth_place__, __.List() + VALUE))
Yields something similar to:
MERGE (ent:`MyNode`) SET ent.`birth_place` = coalesce(ent.`birth_place` + $NEO_5288d_0, ent.`birth_place`, [] + $NEO_5288d_0)
Though since List takes an argument that lets you construct a list, a better approach might be:
p.SET(__.ent.__birth_place__ == __.COALESCE(__.ent.__birth_place__ + VALUE,__.ent.__birth_place__, __.List(VALUE)))
Which yields something like:
MERGE (ent:`MyNode`) SET ent.`birth_place` = coalesce(ent.`birth_place` + $NEO_e2895_0, ent.`birth_place`, [$NEO_e2895_0])