I am using Material table with expandable row
I would like to have multiple rows expanded on row clicks. The default behavior is to close the previously expanded row upon a new row click. I don't want the previous ones to be closed, each should be left open until clicked again. How can I do this?
Here is another approach.
Simply make the variable an array
expandedElement: PeriodicElement[] = [];
On the animation section use a function instead of direct checking
[@detailExpand]="checkExpanded(element) ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'"
And use the same function while adding the class
And on click make a function call. If the element is present remove it from the array and if not present add it
And here are the 2 functions which are used. Please feel free to improve efficiency of the methods. Its a crude method written in a short time for the demo.
checkExpanded(element): boolean {
let flag = false;
this.expandedElement.forEach(e => {
if(e === element) {
flag = true;
return flag;
pushPopElement(element) {
const index = this.expandedElement.indexOf(element);
if(index === -1) {
} else {
You can find the working sample here : https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-x6jz81