I had been using Google Cloud CDN for caching content from a GCS bucket for months. Until yesterday (2019/09/19), I noticed that I cannot access an object with white spaces in its name. Usually, I apply encodeURIComponent
to the object's name before signing the whole URL, which had been working fine until yesterday.
Here's what I've tried so far with gcloud
Sign the URL without URL-encoding the file's name:
$ gcloud compute sign-url --key-name my-key --key-file my-key --expires-in 15m "https://cdn.example.com/file-with-white space.txt"
I then accessed the URL with and without %20
. The result is 403, shown in the picture.
Sign the URL with the URL-encoded file's name (this is what I'd been doing for months, and it worked fine):
$ gcloud compute sign-url --key-name my-key --key-file my-key --expires-in 15m "https://cdn.example.com/file-with-white%20space.txt"
The result is also 403 but with different message:
Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get access to bucket/file name
I have also tried using the Go code from this link. The results are the same.
Please note that files without white spaces in its name can still be accessed successfully through the CDN.
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:service-PROJECT_NUM@cloud-cdn-fill.iam.gserviceaccount.com:objectViewer gs://[BUCKET]
twice to ensure this.gsutil
directly without using the CDN, and the signed URL worked.I have tried out the --validate
option. This is what I got:
$ gcloud compute sign-url --key-name cdn-signing-key \
--key-file cdn-signing-key --expires-in 15m \
--validate "https://cdn.domain.com/file%20with%20space"
signedUrl: https://cdn.domain.com/file%20with%20space?Expires=1569075302&KeyName=cdn-signing-key&Signature=e3SANudKHIT5txHWVlO1oijItXw=
validationResponseCode: 200
And yet, I still received 403 when accessing the "signedUrl" through a browser. The result is an XML page with <Code>AccessDenied</Code>
This morning I tried accessing a newly signed URL of a file with spaces again. I noticed something interesting.
. If the CDN works, I will receive 200 as before. If the CDN redirects me to the bucket, now I will receive 200 along with the file.So I'm closing this question since I think it has nothing to do with the file name anymore. It seems like the CDN doesn't cache the content for me and tries to direct me the original file in the bucket instead. I'm not sure if this is a normal behavior of CDNs, but I'll do some more research on that.