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Is it necessary to execute "php artisan key:generate" command after installation of laravel 5.7

I have installed laravel 5.7 in my system. I want to know that is it necessary to execute php artisan key:generate command?


  • php artisan key:generate

    This command sets the APP_KEY value in your .env file.

    If you create a project with composer it'll generated default with project.

    composer create-project laravel/laravel

    If you clone project using git clone some folder is ignored by git so you might not get env file as well as vendor folder. Therefore, they will have to manually enter php artisan key:generate for their app to function correctly.

    So, TL:DR the only time you need to call php artisan key:generate is following a clone of a pre-created Laravel project.

    Note: If you try to run a Laravel project with your APP_KEY set to SomeRandomString (which is the default in your .env.example file, you will actually get an error:

    No supported encrypter found. The cipher and / or key length are invalid.