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How to stop a Xamarin Forms behavior used to asynchronously translate an image?

In a Xamarin.Forms project, I'm trying to repeatedly translate an image from a position A(x,y) to a position B(x,y) and back, from B to A. To achieve this, I read that is possible to customize behaviors.

I extend Behavior class, overriding OnAttachedTo and OnDetachingFrom. And in the OnAttachedTo method I start a Task which repeatedly does the two translations.

This is my Behavior class:

public class MoveImageBehavior : Behavior<Image>
    private Image _Image = null;

    public static readonly BindableProperty AnimatedProperty = BindableProperty.Create("Animated", typeof(bool), typeof(ImageAnimatedBehavior), defaultValue: false);
    public bool Animated
        get { return (bool)GetValue(AnimatedProperty); }
        set { SetValue(AnimatedProperty, value); }

    protected override void OnAttachedTo(Image image)

        _Image = image;
        Animated = true;

    protected override void OnDetachingFrom(Image image)
        _Image = null;

    private async void AnimateImage()
        while (_Image != null && Animated)
            await _Image.TranslateTo(100, 100, 1000);
            await _Image.TranslateTo(0, 0, 1000);

The image in the xaml file:

        <Image x:Name="image_translating" Source="my_icon" Aspect="AspectFit">
                <behaviors:MoveImageBehavior Animated="{Binding ImageTranslating}" BindingContext="{Binding BindingContext, Source={x:Reference image_translating}}"/>

The Image repeatedly translates correctly as I want, but I'm not able to stop the while routine. The property binding doesn't work when Animated is set to false in the ViewModel and OnDetachingFrom is never called. What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions?


  • Through the document, we can see that:

    The OnDetachingFrom method is fired when the behavior is removed from the control. This method receives a reference to the control to which it is attached, and is used to perform any required cleanup. For example, you could unsubscribe from an event on a control to prevent memory leaks.

    It will only fired when you remove the behavior from the image. I would give you an example about how to stop the animation:

    I defined an bool property in the code behind to control stop or not stop:

      public bool showA  = true;

    And I add a button as an example to stop the animation:

    private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        showA = !showA;
        if (showA)
            image_translating.Behaviors.Add(new MoveImageBehavior());
            var toRemove = image_translating.Behaviors.FirstOrDefault(b => b is MoveImageBehavior);
            if (toRemove != null)

    Also in your OnDetachingFrom method, do not set the image to null, it will cause a null expection, just set the Animated to false :

    protected override void OnDetachingFrom(Image image)
        Animated = false;

    You can convert my click event to some binding in your project and make it work.

    Refer: creating-a-xamarinforms-behaviorer