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How to get InputStream via Spring-Feign?

I want to download and save a file in local directory from server by Spring-OpenFeign with zero-copy.

Naive download method as following:


ResponseEntity<byte[]> getFile(@RequestParam(value = "key") String key) {
    ResponseEntity<byte[]> resp = getFile("filename.txt")
    File fs = new File("/opt/test")
    FileUtils.write(file, resp.getBody())

In this code, data flow will be like this feign Internal Stream -> Buffer -> ByteArray -> Buffer -> File

How can I downalod and save a file memory-efficiently and faster way?


  • TL;DR. Use ResponseEntity<InputStreamResource> and Java NIO

    According to SpringDecoder, Spring decode response using HttpMessageConverters

    ResourceHttpMessageConverter which is one of HttpMesageConverters return InputStreamResource which contain InputStream and filename derived from Content-Disposition.

    But, ResourceHttpMessageConverter must be initialized supportsReadStreaming = true (default value) If you have further interests on this implementation, check this code.

    So, changed code are as followings:

    ResponseEntity<InputStreamResource> getFile(@RequestParam(value = "key") String key)


    try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("filename.txt")) {

    JDK8 or less

    Use Guava ByteStreams.copy()

    Path p = Paths.get(responseEntity.getFilename())
    ReadableByteChannel rbc = Channels.newChannel(responeEntity.getBody().getInputStream())
    try(FileChannel fc =, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
        ByteStreams.copy(rbc, fc)

    Now, Feign Internal Stream -> File