I am not very sure whether this is the right forum to ask this question or not.
We are having a TallyERP9 server with Multiple Licenses. Now our 3 users working remotely on the same Data. We have set up Google Drive for Data Syncing. But most of the time its giving issue due to synchronisation process. What could be the best soltion so that multiple users can work on same data from Remote Locations?
This is the answer - http://mirror.tallysolutions.com/Downloads/TallyTips/GettingStartedwithDataSynchronisation.pdf
Thanks to @MitaleeRao...
Edit placed here for brevity:
These are 2 points I've noted regarding the Tally architecture:
The Data syncronisation that Tally has introduced is probably the automating of exporting the XML of all masters/vouchers and importing them onto the central Database (whether on the Tally.NET server or on a local computer with a static IP). Not sure how the Google Drive client works, but I'm assuming it is a variation of the same (i.e., XML based data export and then import onto a main computer).