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How to disable all validations for plain text in VS code

I am building a Laravel project with VS Code on Ubuntu 18.04. I've installed a couple of extensions to help me with the syntax.

I also have a few .txt files in the same workspace that I use for miscellaneous notes. All the content of my .txt files gets red wavy underlining.

Do you know how to disable all the spell-check and validation only for my plain text files?

I've read these posts, about disabling PHP and CSS validation, but that didn't help my case.

How to disable PHP validation in Visual Studio Code?

Disable wavy underline in VS Code

my extensions list

code --install-extension ban.spellright

code --install-extension bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client

code --install-extension cjhowe7.laravel-blade

code --install-extension dacoto.laravel-easy-blade-snippets

code --install-extension felixfbecker.php-debug

code --install-extension felixfbecker.php-intellisense

code --install-extension ikappas.phpcs

code --install-extension onecentlin.laravel-blade

code --install-extension onecentlin.laravel5-snippets

code --install-extension streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker


  • I sort of figured it out for myself now that I'm more familiar with VS Code.

    In my case, every underlined word is related to a warning message. Those warnings are counted in My status bar (located at the low left corner).

    I can see the full warning messages in the "Problems" section

    • by clicking on the status bar icon
    • or by using the hotkey for Problems (Ctrl+Shift+M)

    When I saw the full messages it was obvious that the Spell Right extension was doing all the underlining. For now, I just uninstalled it.