I have a setTimeout call outside of useEffect, how do I clearTimeout when the screen unmounts?
For instance, I have a functional component with this in it...
useEffect(() => {
return () => clearTimeout(myTimeout)
}, [])
_getData = () => {
.then(data => {
let myTimeout = setTimeout(() => setSomething(!something), 5000)
So somewhere later in the code I call _getData() - I do not want this to run with useEffect when the page first loads, only when certain action is taken. After I get the data I set the timeout. But the useEffect is not aware of this timeout.
I have tried setting the timeout like this...
setTimeoutVar(setTimeout(() => setSomething(!something), 5000))
return () => clearTimeout(setTimeoutVar)
I have tried a few other weird ideas, nothing is working, I can't figure this one out.
All day working on this - write a question on stackoverflow and figure it out in two minutes. Crazy!
The answer to this question is to set a variable to false, then, change the variable when you get the data back. Then have a separate useEffect() function that only deals with this. When the variable changes it runs. If the variable is true - sets the timeout and the useEffect function returns the clearTimeout...
const [refresh, setRefresh] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
let timeoutVariable
timeoutVariable = setTimeout(() => setRefresh(false), 5000)
return () => clearTimeout(timeoutVariable)
}, [refresh])
_getData = () => {
.then(data => {