I've got a problem where a list of pydicom Dataset (ie dicom images) isn't picklable, and I'm not sure why.
This is a pydicom specific question - I tried first posting to their google mailing list, but for some reason there list server was failing - so excuse me for posting it here.
I'm on anaconda with latest everything updated via conda (python 3.7.4, latest pydicom, macos)
I've got a med sized prog I'm writing that all works fine (6,000 lines), and now I'm attempting to use multiprocessing
to speed it up. The prog reads in a study, groups it by series and then runs a set of tests on each series - so well suited to that.
I've got things working without any problems when I spin up some processes with a set of multiprocessing.Process()
calls. I've got my series images as a list of pydicom Dataset
's, and I pass that list to my test_series()
function, with a couple of other parameters, ...all without any problems.
But I was just trying to switch to using multiprocessing.Pool()
instead, for convenience and easier access to the return values from my test_series() function (rather than using Queues or Pipes).
However pool.starmap()
called on my list of Dataset's
is failing because the list is not pickle'able (specifically, each Dataset in the list isn't). My knowledge of python so far isn't helping me much trying to figure out why however.
I've tried diagnosing it by
a) trying pickle
on the Dataset as soon as it's read from disk - no problem there, it will pickle fine in that case.
b) using 'get_unpicklable
' from stackoverflow to see what it is in the Dataset that's causing the problem. When I run it on one of my Dataset's I get the following reported:
"[key type=DataElement]._value.type_constructor (Type 'function' caused: Can't pickle local object 'DataElement._convert_value.<locals>.<lambda>')",
"[val type=DataElement]._value.type_constructor (Type 'function' caused: Can't pickle local object 'DataElement._convert_value.<locals>.<lambda>')"
In my code I add two attributes - simply by <var>.file_name = new_value
(PS - I didn't re-class the pydicom Dataset as I'm new'ish to python and it was faster just to add on attributes by hand)
No problems anywhere else, and also no problems when I call multiprocessing.Process() passing my list as an argument - the problem only occurs when trying to use pool.starmap()
Does anyone have any idea what's up?
Should I have re-classed the pydicom Dataset with two new attributes rather than simply adding attributes manually?
thanks for any help! Richard
Lambda functions cannot be pickled, this was pointed out in issue 951, and is currently being worked on.
As an aside, re the comment about the mailing list (google group), it is a moderated list for new members - you should have received a message to wait for moderation.