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Create a simple multidimensional object array and assign to cookies

I am trying to create a shopping cart for anonymous users which are stored in a cookie on the users computer. But I am confused.

Here is my code

  $(document).ready(function () {
                var PID = $('#Input_Product').val();
                var Qty = $('#Input_Qty').val();
                var P = $('#Input_Price').val();

                var data = { ProductID: PID, Quantity: Qty, Price: P };

 $("#btnWrite").click(function () {
                    // $.cookie("Name", $("#txtName").val());
                    document.cookie = "Product='+PID+'; expires=Friday, 20 Sep 2019 01:00:00 UTC; path=/ ;";
 document.cookie = "Quantity='+Qty+'; expires=Friday, 20 Sep 2019 01:00:00 UTC; path=/;";
 document.cookie = "Price='+P+'; expires=Friday, 20 Sep 2019 01:00:00 UTC; path=/;";

What I am trying to achieve is get a multi dimensional object array and assign the values of the shopping basket to a cookie or multiple cookies.

Also Being new to javascript, how do I retrieve the values on the client side. I know I can use stringify to post to the server

I tried initializing it with but getting errors

  for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
 data[i] = new { ProductID: PID, Quantity: Qty };


  • The Cookie Way

    Cookie can't store spaces or commas, and you can only store one key-value pair per assignment statement. You could separate each value and assign it to a cookie, like this:

    document.cookie = "Product=+PID+;"
    document.cookie = "expires=+DATESTRING+;"
    document.cookie = "path=+PATH+;"

    However, whenever you assign another cookie like this, the previous cookie's path and expires will be overwritten. The better way is to encode all the data into a cookie safe string:

    document.cookie = "Product=+PID+DATESTRING+PATH+;"

    Then you can look up the product and parse each of the arguments using a .split('+').

    The Modern Way

    Cookies have several drawbacks when compared to localStorage. Two of the most impactful being that (1) the cookies in the browser are sent over every http/s request (potential personal information leak) and (2) cookies have a limit of 4KB of data storage, localStorage allows 5MB (significantly more!).

    To use it in the way you wanted here, you could do something like this:

    // setting it:
    localStorage.setItem('Product', '+PID+DATESTRING+PATH+')
    // getting it: 
    const productData = localStorage.getItem('Product').split('+')
    const productId = productData[0]
    const productDate = productData[1]
    const productPath = productData[2]

    Hope that helps!