I'm trying to parse the html of this web site, and when I get the html_nodes from the supposed links it get the response "" for all the nodes. What am I doing wrong?
texto_01 <- read_html(URL)
titulos_noticias <- texto_01 %>% html_nodes("p") %>% html_nodes("div") %>% html_nodes("ol") %>% html_nodes("li") %>% html_nodes("a")
titulos_noticias_texto <- html_attr(titulos_noticias,"href")
Apreciate the help. Tks a lot, Felipe
The content is loaded dynamically. You can see the page conducting a search and then returning a result set. You need to mimic the actual search request you can find in the network tab. The results returned are in json format. The data of interest is within r$Rows
and you construct the url by concatenating parts:
paste0("https://www.bcb.gov.br/estabilidadefinanceira/exibenormativo?tipo=", item$TipodoNormativoOWSCHCS,'&numero=',as.integer(item$NumeroOWSNMBR))
You can use paste0
and map_df
to handle this url reconstruction in a loop over the json object returned from r$Rows
You can see the javascript handling this process at line 6816 of the js file https://www.bcb.gov.br/BcbModule.cdb75dd11ebbc7b56192.js
found in the sources tab.
Note that the js is using an already set variable found at line 5609
r = jsonlite::read_json('https://www.bcb.gov.br/api/search/app/normativos/buscanormativos?querytext=ContentType:normativo AND contentSource:normativos AND cessão&rowlimit=15&startrow=0&sortlist=Data1OWSDATE:descending&refinementfilters=Data:range(datetime(2018-09-17),datetime(2019-09-20T23:59:59))')
df <- map_df(r$Rows, function(item) {
data.frame(title = item$title,
url = paste0("https://www.bcb.gov.br/estabilidadefinanceira/exibenormativo?tipo=", item$TipodoNormativoOWSCHCS,'&numero=',as.integer(item$NumeroOWSNMBR)),