I would like my SpreadSheet
class below to be considered a dict
subclass by the isinstance()
built-in, but when I try to register it as such, an AttributeError
exception is thrown (also shown below).
What is a (or the) way to do something like this?
Note: My question is similar to Is it possible to be a virtual subclass of a built in type?, but its accepted answer doesn't address the titular question asked (so please don't vote to close this as a duplicate).
The primary motivation for wanting to do this is to allow an instance of the class to be passed to json.dump()
and be treated just like a Python dict
. This is needed because — for reasons I don't understand — the JSONEncoder
class uses isinstance(value, dict)
, rather than isinstance(value, Mapping)
from collections.abc import MutableMapping
class SpreadSheet(MutableMapping):
def __init__(self, tools=None, **kwargs):
self._cells = {}
self._tools = {'__builtins__': None}
if tools is not None:
self._tools.update(tools) # Add caller supplied functions.
def clear(self):
return self._cells.clear()
def __contains__(self, k):
return k in self._cells
def __setitem__(self, key, formula):
self._cells[key] = formula
def __getitem__(self, key ):
return eval(self._cells[key], self._tools, self)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._cells)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._cells)
def __delitem__(self, k):
del self._cells[k]
def getformula(self, key):
return self._cells[key]
type(dict).register(SpreadSheet) # Register class as dict subclass.
ss = SpreadSheet()
print(f'isinstance(ss, dict): {isinstance(ss, dict)}') # Result should be True.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "spreadsheet.py", line 35, in <module>
type(dict).register(SpreadSheet) # Register class as dict subclass.
AttributeError: type object 'type' has no attribute 'register'
As the accepted answer to Is it possible to be a virtual subclass of a built in type? says, it's impossible as primitive types are essentially immutable.
However it is possible to make json.dump()
treat a Mapping
just like a dict
by patching the module as shown in the second approach presented in @jsbueno's answer. The implementation shown below patches the encoder in a slightly different, simpler way that gives equivalent results. I especially liked a bonus feature it has which is that it also prevents the C optimized version from being used (which silently fails).
from collections.abc import Mapping, MutableMapping
from functools import partial
import json
class SpreadSheet(MutableMapping):
def __init__(self, tools=None, **kwargs):
self._cells = {}
self._tools = {'__builtins__': None} # Prevent eval() from supplying.
if tools is not None:
self._tools.update(tools) # Add any caller-supplied functions.
def clear(self):
return self._cells.clear()
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self._cells
def __setitem__(self, key, formula):
self._cells[key] = formula
def __getitem__(self, key):
return eval(self._cells[key], self._tools, self)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._cells)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._cells)
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self._cells[key]
def getformula(self, key):
""" Return raw un-evaluated contents of cell. """
return self._cells[key]
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
for k, v in dict(*args, **kwargs).iteritems():
self[k] = v
# Monkey-path json module
# Changes check for isinstance(obj, dict) to isinstance(obj, Mapping)
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.8/Lib/json/encoder.py#L321
# This changes the default value of the function's dict= keyword to be
# a Mapping instead of a dict. The isinstance() call uses whatever it's
# set to.
_new__make_iterencode = partial(json.encoder._make_iterencode, dict=Mapping)
json.encoder._make_iterencode = _new__make_iterencode
json.encoder.c_make_encoder = None # Disables use of C version of make encoder
if __name__ == '__main__':
import json
from math import cos, sin, pi, tan
# A small set of safe built-ins.
tools = dict(len=len, sin=sin, cos=cos, pi=pi, tan=tan)
ss = SpreadSheet(tools)
ss['a1'] = '5'
ss['a2'] = 'a1*6'
ss['a3'] = 'a2*7'
ss['b1'] = 'sin(pi/4)'
print('isinstance(SpreadSheet(tools), dict) -> {}'.format(isinstance(ss, dict)))
print('Static Contents via getformula():')
print(json.dumps({k: ss.getformula(k) for k in ss.keys()}, indent=4))
print('Dynamic Contents via __getitem__():')
print(" ss['a1'] -> {!r}".format(ss['a1']))
print(" ss['a2'] -> {!r}".format(ss['a2']))
print(" ss['a3'] -> {!r}".format(ss['a3']))
print(" ss['b1'] -> {!r}".format(ss['b1']))
print("via json.dumps(ss, indent=4):")
print(json.dumps(ss, indent=4))
print("via json.dumps(ss):") # Works, too.
print(json.dumps(ss)) # -> {}
print('dict(**ss): {}'.format(dict(**ss))) # Gets dynamic contents.
So, first things first, the "obvious way to do it", is to have a Json Encoder with a default method that would create a dict out of a CustomDict class while serializing:
from collections.abc import MutableMapping
import json
class IdentaDict(MutableMapping):
__getitem__ = lambda s, i: i
__setitem__ = lambda s, i, v: None
__delitem__ = lambda s, i: None
__len__ = lambda s: 1
__iter__ = lambda s: iter(['test_value'])
def default(obj):
if isinstance(obj, MutableMapping):
return dict(obj)
raise TypeError()
print(json.dumps(IdentaDict, default=default)
will just work.
If for some reason, this is not desirable (maybe creating a dict
of the CustomDict
is not feasible, or would be too expensive), it is possible
to monkeypatch the machinery of Python's json.encoder, so that it uses
the appropriate call to isinstance:
from collections.abc import MutableMapping
from functools import partial
from unittest.mock import patch
import json
class IdentaDict(MutableMapping):
a = IdentaDict()
new_iterencoder = partial(
isinstance=lambda obj, cls: isinstance(obj, MutableMapping if cls == dict else cls)
with patch("json.encoder.c_make_encoder", None), patch("json.encoder._make_iterencode", new_iterencoder):
(Note that while at it, I also disabled the native C encoder, so that the "pass indent to force Python encoder" hack is not needed. One never knows when an eager Python volunteer will implement indent in the C Json serializer and break that)
Also, the "mock.patch" thing is only needed if one plays mr. RightGuy and
is worried about restoring the default behavior. Otherwise, just overriding both
members of json.encoder
in the application setup will make the changes
proccess wide, and working for all json.dump[s]
call, no changes needed to the calls - which might be more convenient.
Now, answering the actual question: what is possible is to have a mechanism that will create an actual subclass of "dict", but implementing all the methods needed by dict. Instead of re-doing the work done by collections.abc.MutableClass
it should be ok to just copy over both user methods and generated methods to the dict class:
import json
from abc import ABCMeta
from collections.abc import MutableMapping
class RealBase(ABCMeta):
def __new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace, *, realbase=dict, **kwargs):
abc_cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)
for attr_name in dir(abc_cls):
attr = getattr(abc_cls, attr_name)
if getattr(attr, "__module__", None) == "collections.abc" and attr_name not in namespace:
namespace[attr_name] = attr
return type.__new__(mcls, name, (realbase,), namespace)
class IdentaDict(MutableMapping, metaclass=RealBase):
__getitem__ = lambda s, i: i
__setitem__ = lambda s, i, v: None
__delitem__ = lambda s, i: None
__len__ = lambda s: 1
__iter__ = lambda s: iter(['test_value'])
This will make the class work as expected, and return True to isinstance(IdentaClass(), dict)
. However the C Json Encoder will then try
to use native dict API's to get its values: so json.dump(...)
will not raise,
but will fail unless the Python Json encoder is forced. Maybe this is why the instance check in json.encoder
is for a strict "dict":
a = IdentaDict()
In [76]: a = IdentaDict()
In [77]: a
Out[77]: {'test_value': 'test_value'}
In [78]: isinstance(a, dict)
Out[78]: True
In [79]: len(a)
Out[79]: 1
In [80]: json.dumps(a)
Out[80]: '{}'
In [81]: print(json.dumps(a, indent=4))
"test_value": "test_value"
(Another side-effect of this metaclass is that as the value returned by __new__
is not an instance of ABCMeta
, the metaclass __init__
won't be called. But people coding with multiple metaclass composition would have to be aware of such issues. This would be easily work-aroundable by explicitly calling mcls.__init__
at the end of __new__