When I attempt to use someone else's custom search by its url, I get taken instead to my own custom search admin page.
How do I use someone else's custom search url?
For example, customsearchengine.com has an entry for the OpenDOAR search.
It gives the url as: http://www.google.com/coop/cse?cx=016766439200934687091:ln-icm1qyko
When I put this in, I get redirected to https://cse.google.com/cse/all
Perhaps that custom search doesn't exist anymore. Bu the same happens when I try to look up other custom searches.
http://www.customsearchengine.com/ is super old, and not affiliated with google.
Custom Search's URL format has changed since 2008, so instead of
you can use
but that CSE doesn't exist any longer, so 404 error