I am new to Java and am in the 4th week of a programming course. We are learning about constructors and I just can't seem to grasp it.
Here is my test class that was already written for the lab assignment.
class TestSandwich
public static void main (String args[])
Sandwich sandwich = new Sandwich();
System.out.println("You have ordered a " +
sandwich.getMainIngredient() + " sandwich on " +
sandwich.getBread() + " bread, and the price is " + sandwich.getPrice());
My assignment is to create second class called Sandwich that the one above can call to. What I have come up with is below.
public class Sandwich
private String mainIngredient;
private String bread;
private double price;
public String getMainIngredient(){
return mainIngredient;
public String getBread(){
return bread;
public double getPrice(){
return price;
public void setMainIngredient(String ingredient){
mainIngredient = ingredient;
public void setBread(String bread){
bread = bread;
public void setPrice(double cost){
price = price;
When I run what I have it tells me there is no main method in class Sandwich. There isn't supposed to be though so I don't understand how to eliminate that error?
Run TestSandwich class instead of Sandwich.java. The entry point of any standalone java program is
public static void main (String args[])