I implemented App.Metrics into my wcf application (App.Metrics ver 3.1.0). When I check url in which data is uploaded I found that app isn't filled:
Tried to figured out reason of this behavior I found manual: https://www.app-metrics.io/getting-started/fundamentals/tagging-organizing/
It said that AssemblyName needs to be filled, but I double-checked it - csproj file contain next row:
How can I fill this app property in metrics?
var metrics = MetricsProvider.Instance.Metrics;
SetMetricsAppTag(metrics, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name);
private static void SetMetricsAppTag(IMetricsRoot metricsRoot, string appTagValue)
if (!metricsRoot.Options.GlobalTags.ContainsKey("app"))
metricsRoot.Options.GlobalTags.Add("app", appTagValue);
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(metricsRoot.Options.GlobalTags["app"]) || metricsRoot.Options.GlobalTags["app"] == "unknown")
metricsRoot.Options.GlobalTags["app"] = appTagValue;