I have been trying to connect and list files with RCurl and SFTP. I can access this via WinSCP, but RCurl won't go through. Here is where I'm currently:
opts <- curlOptions(
proxy = "http://myproxy/",
proxyport = 8080,
httpproxytunnel = 1L,
ssh.private.keyfile = "ssh-gibberish"
url <- "sftp://user:pwd@ftp.address.com/"
test <- getURL(url = url, .opts = opts, dirlistonly = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, port = 22)
* Trying
* Connected to myproxy ( port 8080 (#0)
* Establish HTTP proxy tunnel to ftp.address.com:22
> CONNECT ftp.address.com:22 HTTP/1.1
Host: ftp.address.com:22
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
* Proxy CONNECT aborted
* Connection #0 to host myproxy left intact
Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) : Proxy CONNECT aborted
Finally solved it. I had to change proxy and add username and password.
opts <- curlOptions(
proxy = "http://mynewproxy/",
proxyport = 8080,
proxyusername = "domain\\user",
proxypassword = "pwd",
httpproxytunnel = 1L,
ssh.private.keyfile = "ssh-gibberish"
Normally proxy uses windows passowrds, but I quess this is different.