This is my php code
$xmldata = simplexml_load_string($ops_response);
foreach($xmldata->world-patent-data->biblio-search->search-result->exchange-documents->exchange-document->bibliographic-data->parties as $item)
echo "<p>Applicant Name: " . $item->applicants->applicant->applicant-name->name . "</p>";
echo "<p>Doc Number: " . $item->applicants->applicant->applicant-name->doc-number . "</p>";
echo "<p>Description: " . $item->applicants->applicant->applicant-name->abstract . "</p>";
This is my XML File:
Expected Result
<p>Applicant Name: PHYLION BATTERY CO LTD</p>
<p>Doc Number: 2018101613</p>
<p>Description: A frame tube having a battery enclosure structure for an electric bike. The frame tube comprises a main body</p>
<p>Category: 20180821</p>
<p>Country: A drive assemblage is described for a vehicle drivable by muscle energy and/or—in particular additionally—by motor energy</p>
Iam new to PHP and i am not very well sure on how to handle the xml output? If anyone can help me on this pls do that. Appreciate your help.
Do like this. You have passes object instead of array.
Json decode and encode simplexml_load_string($ops_response)
$string = //"your xml string here";
echo "<pre>";
$json = json_decode(json_encode((array) simplexml_load_string($string)), 1);
$json = $json['biblio-search']['search-result']['exchange-documents'];
foreach($json as $item)
echo "<p>Applicant Name: " . $item['exchange-document']['bibliographic-data']['parties']['applicants']['applicant'][0]['applicant-name']['name'] . "</p>";
echo "<p>Description: " . $item['exchange-document']['abstract']['@attributes']['lang'] . "</p>";