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How to Conditionally format HTML TABLE in SQL SP

I created a SP to monitor SQL Server Agent Jobs and generating Email for the same in HTML Format. However, I want to conditionally format the Run Status column to be Red/Green based on cell value(TEXT-Success/Fail). Please find the code at (Marked Answer by Hilary Cotter(MCC, MVP))

Kindly help me with the missing code to implement this feature.

Thank You.


  • Here's how you can modify the creation of the HTML to work:

    DECLARE @tableHTML nvarchar(max);
    SET @tableHTML = 
    N'<style type="text/css">h2, body {font-family: Arial, verdana;}
    table{font-size:11px; border-collapse:collapse;}
    td{background-color:#F1F1F1; border:1px solid black; padding:3px;}
    + N'<h2>Recent Job Status</h2>'
    + N'<table border="1">' + N'<tr>
    <th>Job Name</th>
    <th>Last Run Date</th>
    <th>Last Run Time</th>
    <th>Last Run Status</th>'
    + CAST(( SELECT td = j.[name], 
                    td = MAX(jh.run_date), 
                    td = MAX(run_time),
                    td = CASE run_status 
                             WHEN 0
                             THEN N'<font color="red">Failure</font>'
                             WHEN 1
                             THEN N'<font color="green">Success</font>'
                             WHEN 2
                             THEN N'<font color="yellow">Retry</font>'
                             WHEN 3
                             THEN N'<font color="blue">Cancellation</font>'
                             WHEN 4
                             THEN N'<font color="black">In Progress</font>'
                             ELSE N'<font color="black">Unknown</font'
                FROM dbo.sysjobhistory AS jh
                INNER JOIN dbo.sysjobs AS j
                ON j.job_id = jh.job_id
                WHERE CONVERT(datetime, 
                              SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(12), jh.run_date),
                                        0, 5) + N'-'
                      + SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(12), jh.run_date), 5, 2) + '-'
                      + SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(12), jh.run_date), 7, 2)) > DATEADD(day, -1, GETDATE())
                AND j.category_id <> 14
                GROUP BY j.[name], jh.run_status  
                FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) + N'</table>';
    SET @tableHTML = REPLACE(REPLACE(@tableHTML, N'&lt;', N'<'), N'&gt;', N'>');

    For my system, that then outputs this:

    Sample output with colored status

    Hope that's what you need.