I'm simulating the RSA protocol for public and private key setup through Python 3 and I have to deal with huge exponents. Since the pow(base,exp)
doesn't seem to run in a reasonable time I've been trying to use different algorithms, but for now none seems to work.
Which is the most efficient algorithm by now to do that?
Calculate the binary powers of base modulo n by squaring the previous binary power e.g. base^2=base^1*base^1; base^4 = base^2*base^2
By binary I mean base^0, base^1, base^2, base^4, base^8 etc.
Then multiple the binary powers when the bit is set in the exponent.
E.g. exponent 9: base^9 = base^1 * base^8. All calculations are done in modulo n.
Find attached the pseudocode; I hope it is correct because it is untested;
function myPower(base, exponent, n) {
power = 1;
binarypower = base;
while(exponent>0) {
if(exponent&1 != 0) {
power = (binarypower * power) %n;
exponent = exponent>>1;
if(exponent>0) {
binarypower = (binarypower*binarypower)%n;
return power;