I'm trying to wrap my head around ellipsis in R. I have a function and want to be able to pass additional arguments to the function as needed, for example whether or not to return a df or similar. Can I not specify variable names? This is a very simplified example and I want to be able to make this optional to keep function calls as easy and clean as possible with multiple possible conditionals within the function for various scenarios.
custom.fun<-function(x, y, z, ...){
a<-sum(x, y, z)
if (exists('return.var') && return.var=='yes'){
This returns Null, as it is obviously not passing on return.var.
I guess you can do something similar to this, capture all the optional argument in list
and check if any
of them have the required name and value.
custom.fun<-function(x, y, z, ...){
opt_args <- list(...)
a <- sum(x, y, z)
if (any(names(opt_args) == 'return.var' & opt_args == 'yes'))
return('No arg')
custom.fun(1,2,3,return.var = 'yes')
#[1] 6
custom.fun(1,2,3,var = 'yes')
#[1] "No arg"
custom.fun(1,2,3,var='no', return.var = 'yes')
#[1] 6