I have 2 separate excel spreadsheets spreadsheet 1 is as such:
ID tin name date
1 21043 Bob 8/1/2019
2 45667 Jim 7/1/2018
3 69780 Sal 4/24/2017
The 2nd spreadsheet is as such:
ID tin job
1 21043 02
2 76544 02
3 45667 04
I am trying to figure out how to match the 2 spreadsheets and make 1 list as such:
ID tin name date job
1 21043 Bob 8/1/2019 02
2 45667 Jim 7/1/2018 04
3 69780 Sal 4/24/2017
4 76544 02
the common denominator is the "tin" but i have to merge the ones that duplicate, but then add the ones from both sheets that dont duplicate..
I am new to python and VERY new to xlrd so i cannot seem to even figure out the best terms to use to google an example.
I found some information on a next(iter statement but after countless attempts i could not figure out a useful way to use it to combine.
Is there an easy way or am i "up a creek"??
Thank you,
You can use pandas for this. Pandas uses xlrd and other excel readers under the hood.
You will do something like this:
df1 = pandas.read_excel('file1.xls', sheet_name='...')
df2 = pandas.read_excel('file2.xls', sheet_name='...')
df1.merge(df2, how='outer')
You may need some variation of this depending on your column names.. see pandas merge