I'm moving some ruby projects over to an Ubuntu machine, and am trying to install the dependencies.
I've installed ruby-full
and the bundler gem. When I move to the project directory and type bundle install
I get the error Could not locate Gemfile
I am in the correct directory, and the GemFile is there. If I ls the current directory, I see:
etrax_connect.rb fujixml.bat fuji_xml.rb GemFile GemFile.lock generate_subject_xml.rb logging.rb prawn_functions.rb README.md samples sftp_connect.rb
Its RIGHT there. The contents of my GemFile:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'listen'#file listening
gem 'nokogiri'#xml parsing
gem 'rake'#Globbing
gem 'net-sftp'
gem 'tiny_tds'
gem 'prawn'
I dont understand.
Rename GemFile
to Gemfile
, and also GemFile.lock
to Gemfile.lock