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Python's scipy spatial KD-tree is slower than brute force euclidean distances?

I've quickly checked the performance of building a tree and querying it versus just calculating all the euclidean distances. If I query this tree for all other points within a radius, shouldn't it vastly outperform the brute force approach?

Does anyone know why my test code yields these different results? Am I using it wrong? Is the test case unfit for kd-trees?

PS: This is a reduced proof-of-concept version of the code I used. The full code where I also store and transform the results can be found here, but it yields the same results.


import numpy as np
from time import time
from scipy.spatial import KDTree as kd
from functools import reduce
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


def euclid(c, cs, r):
    return ((cs[:,0] - c[0]) ** 2 + (cs[:,1] - c[1]) ** 2 + (cs[:,2] - c[2]) ** 2) < r ** 2

def find_nn_naive(cells, radius):
    for i in range(len(cells)):
        cell = cells[i]
        cands = euclid(cell, cells, radius)

def find_nn_kd_seminaive(cells, radius):
    tree = kd(cells)
    for i in range(len(cells)):
        res = tree.query_ball_point(cells[i], radius)

def find_nn_kd_by_tree(cells, radius):
    tree = kd(cells)
    res =  tree.query_ball_tree(tree, radius)

Test setup

min_iter = 5000
max_iter = 10000
step_iter = 1000

rng = range(min_iter, max_iter, step_iter)
elapsed_naive = np.zeros(len(rng))
elapsed_kd_sn = np.zeros(len(rng))
elapsed_kd_tr = np.zeros(len(rng))

ei = 0
for i in rng:
    random_cells = np.random.rand(i, 3) * 400.
    t = time()
    r1 = find_nn_naive(random_cells, 50.)
    elapsed_naive[ei] = time() - t
    t = time()
    r2 = find_nn_kd_seminaive(random_cells, 50.)
    elapsed_kd_sn[ei] = time() - t
    t = time()
    r3 = find_nn_kd_by_tree(random_cells, 50.)
    elapsed_kd_tr[ei] = time() - t
    ei += 1


plt.plot(rng, elapsed_naive, label='naive')
plt.plot(rng, elapsed_kd_sn, label='semi kd')
plt.plot(rng, elapsed_kd_tr, label='full kd')

Plot results


  • As documented in scipy.spatial.KDTree():

    For large dimensions (20 is already large) do not expect this to run significantly faster than brute force. High-dimensional nearest-neighbor queries are a substantial open problem in computer science.

    (this note is present in scipy.spatial.cKDTree() too, although that is probably a copy-paste documentation bug).

    I took the liberty to rewrite your code with proper functions, so that I could run some automated benchmarks (based on this template). I have also included a brute-force Numba implementation:

    import numpy as np
    import scipy as sp
    import numba as nb
    import scipy.spatial
    SCALE = 400.0
    RADIUS = 50.0 
    def find_nn_np(points, radius=RADIUS, p=2):
        n_points, n_dim = points.shape
        result = np.empty(n_points, dtype=object)
        for i in range(n_points):
            result[i] = np.where(np.sum(np.abs(points - points[i:i + 1, :]) ** p, axis=1) < radius ** p)[0].tolist()
        return result
    def find_nn_kd_tree(points, radius=RADIUS):
        tree = sp.spatial.KDTree(points)
        return tree.query_ball_point(points, radius)
    def find_nn_kd_tree_cy(points, radius=RADIUS):
        tree = sp.spatial.cKDTree(points)
        return tree.query_ball_point(points, radius)
    def neighbors_indexes_jit(radius, center, points, p=2):
        n_points, n_dim = points.shape
        k = 0
        res_arr = np.empty(n_points, dtype=nb.int64)
        for i in range(n_points):
            dist = 0.0
            for j in range(n_dim):
                dist += abs(points[i, j] - center[j]) ** p
            if dist < radius ** p:
                res_arr[k] = i
                k += 1
        return res_arr[:k]
    @nb.jit(forceobj=True, parallel=True)
    def find_nn_jit(points, radius=RADIUS):
        n_points, n_dim = points.shape
        result = np.empty(n_points, dtype=object)
        for i in nb.prange(n_points):
            result[i] = neighbors_indexes_jit(radius, points[i], points, 2)
        return result

    These are the benchmarks I got (I have omitted scipy.spatial.KDTree() because it was way off chart, consistently with your findings):


    (for completeness, following is the code required to adapt the template)

    def gen_input(n, dim=2, scale=SCALE):
        return scale * np.random.rand(n, dim)
    def equal_output(a, b):
        return all(sorted(a_i) == sorted(b_i) for a_i, b_i in zip(a, b))
    funcs = find_nn_np, find_nn_jit, find_nn_kd_tree_cy
    input_sizes = tuple(int(2 ** (2 + (1 * i) / 4)) for i in range(32, 32 + 16 + 1))
    print('Input Sizes:\n', input_sizes, '\n')
    runtimes, input_sizes, labels, results = benchmark(
        funcs, gen_input=gen_input, equal_output=equal_output,
    plot_benchmarks(runtimes, input_sizes, labels, units='s')