I needed to add, into a working swift project, a tableViewCell, and a segue from it. I did, but it did not call the prepare
so I compared the existing segues in the storyboard xml with my new segue, and I did find a difference, my segue has trigger
I guess I now need to remove this segue and add a new one.
so, How do I create a segue without trigger="accessoryAction"
<segue destination="x1H..." kind="show" identifier="segueToSettingA" id="e4m..."/>
my new non working:
<segue destination="Zg7..." kind="show" identifier="segueToSettingB" trigger="accessoryAction" id="7eW..."/>
It is because the "accessoryAction"
trigger. According with this, there is a bug with accessorybuttontappedforrowwith
and UITableViewCell
You can try changing to trigger="selection"
or removing the trigger, but the best solution is to use the visual interface and mark the option: