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Models not getting created outside of

My project hierarchy -

MyProject -> myapp -> MyPackage -> .

In this there is a class -

class Tagline(models.Model):  
        name = models.CharField(max_length=20)  
        tagline = models.CharField(max_length = 40)  
    class Meta:  
        app_label = 'myapp'  

But when i try and access this table ( either through the admin or a normal view ) django throws me an error stating -
Table "myapp_tagline" doesn't exist .
What else besides the app_label do I have to specify in order to get django to detect this model.

P.S. Also how do I indent my code here?


  • It has to be in <app>.models. Import it there.

    Meta is a class attribute, so it has to be at the same indentation as the other class attributes.