I have created an export task to export a view into an excel file onto a folder location. The task runs fine and exports to excel in the correct place. I ahve now saved this task in SSIS.
I am now trying to create a SQL agent scheduled job to run the task daily. I have SQLServerAgent and MSSQLServer access to the folder location however it keeps failing with the error:
Executed as user: NT Service\SQLSERVERAGENT. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x3FF5419F86864B47A653A928777E56DE (reason: Access is denied). The step failed.,00:00:00,0,0,,,,0
I have looked this up online and there were suggestions to try ticking the use 32bit runtime checkbox which i have also tried and still keep getting the same error.
Does anyone know what i can do to get the SQL agent job to run successfully?
I found the cause. The reason was I gave SQLServerAGent read/write access to the folder but it needed modify permission. Once i gave it modify it worked fine